The work consists of 5 Parts under the main question of, “Who Bombs Hospitals and Inherits the Earth?”(Fady Joudah), and are as follows:
- PART ONE: Spiritual Warfare and the Soul of Humanity ~ see below
- PART TWO: Gaza: An Awakening and Unflinching Litmus Test
- PART THREE: Gaza, the Collective Shadow and Why Caring is Critical
- PART FOUR: Beyond Genocide into a New World
- PART FIVE: My Work Going Forward
PART ONE: Spiritual Warfare and the Soul of Humanity
The Veils and Masks Have Dissolved
The world is splitting open. Not the way fruit splits open. The way a secret splits open ~ Dr Jaiya John, poet, author, freedom worker, speaker
It’s clear that veils and masks have thinned and dissolved regarding ourselves and all existence. Disclosure is taking place exponentially in numerous forms, outdated status quo thought and harmful ideology are being exposed, empires and ecosystems are collapsing, new alliances are emerging, and our consciousness is opening as never before to all
And yes, it may well be that things are ‘getting worse’ but it’s all also simply what most didn’t see, or want to see, until
now: old systems based upon separation, hierarchy, inequality, oppression, privilege, racism, supremacy, colonialism, patriarchy, exceptionalism and more.
We are seeing these fully so that other choices can be made.
Additionally, we feel we are more connected than ever to the non-physical realms and are able to experience them more tangibly now. And, we know we are also physically connected to our bodies, economies, the environment (oceans,
lands, insects, air, mammals), agricultural systems, medical and educational systems, corporations, technology, politics, etc.
All is One, non-physical and physical, in the Web of Life, the Unified Field, the Global Body. We are interconnected at a literal, quantum level where every breath, thought, emotion, action, policy, breakthrough or collapse reverberates throughout the Field.
And so, if our lands are well or they are on fire, if beautiful music or bombs fill the air, if technology connects us or is tracking and blowing us up, if conservation or mass species extinction are taking place, if human rights are being honoured or abused, if our bodies are healthy or they’ve been maimed … we are able to connect to and feel these all the
more. And certainly, we see these all the more via media platforms that are less restrictive and laundered than corporatized mainstream media.
We live and breathe together in symbiosis with all life in the biosphere and the Field, as the indigenous peoples of the Earth have long told us, and when the organs of our Global Body are ailing, we are all affected.
Boundaries are dissolving and we know there is no separation, no ‘self’ and no ‘other’. All aspects of our existence are One and touching and intelligently informing everything within personal, interpersonal, collective and planetary energy-relationships, characterized by shared breath, becoming, purpose, belonging and existence, interbeing and
We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly ~ Martin Luther King Jr
The One is unified and simultaneously experiencing itself through myriad, interconnected forms. All is/are connected in the yin/yang Unified Play of Consciousness and Intelligence. All is/are evolving together.
Further, separation is an outdated illusion and it is unsustainable.
Spiritual Warfare and the Soul of Humanity
In endeavouring to come from a place of radical compassion and love, feeling for how the 'Mother Principle' and Mother of all Life might experience Genocide and respond to the various crises facing humanity at the present time, what follows within these 5 Parts are concerns regarding the Soul of Humanity and one’s own Soul, and how these are actively attacked at this time (even as they are simultaneously expanding).
As in,
… who we are, what ‘humanity’ means, what it is to be a human being
… whether we truly believe all lives actually matter. If the Genocides taking place in Gaza, Congo, Sudan and elsewhere were happening in Sydney, London or New York, would we still be ok with it?
… in light of the rise of AI and AI-enabled, industrialized killing, what is it about being a human being that is worth preserving and fighting for?
… how bypassing and magical thinking are dangerous, and part of supporting violence and harm
… the kind of world emerging if we continue allegiance to a status quo that views billions of people and their countries as worthless, expendable, disposable commodities from which to extract their life-force, oil, gold, uranium, lithium, cobalt etc
…the reality of the 1% donor/billionaire class who craft domestic and foreign policy, the 4% enablers and the media and beliefs that manufacture your consent for violence and harm
…. how our blindspots disconnect us from our humanity, the Earth, its species and our rights... and contribute to
greater internal and external illness … how they do not protect us from also being considered ‘expendable, disposable’
… how we might swing free by examining our own beliefs and complicity, and by recognizing separation-consciousness and dissolving all allegiance to the status quo and the harm we do when silent
… how we might re-humanize and develop the deeper compassion, empathy, humanity and love that enable us to stand up to violence and abuse, as well as care for ourselves, others and the Earth
… how we might build our own systems, and find our own footing in embodied, active contribution to lasting evolutionary change, in right relationship with humanity, the Earth and all its species within the Web of Life, as long held by the world’s indigenous peoples
We are deep in a Spiritual War for the Soul of Humanity and our own humanness.
As part of that, and amongst other things over these 5 parts in all, I’ll be sharing on what has been taking place in Gaza since October 2023 and that is a modern holocaust, a Genocide, as per the 1948 Genocide Convention, and how it is a mirror of critical personal and collective themes. (You may know that the International Court of Justice has 3 times provisionally ruled that Israel is engaging in genocidal acts, namely killing, seriously harming, and inflicting conditions intended to, bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians.)
A genocide is not a ‘single issue’: it is an entire universe of issues ~ Noura Erakat, Human Rights Attorney, Legal Scholar
Why Gaza? The extermination taking place in Gaza is extremely well-documented via countless daily horror live-streams and we can make important assessments and course-corrections as human beings relative to Soul and the future, whereas other current genocides (Sudan, Myanmar, Yemen, Syria, etc) are sadly experiencing almost zero media coverage for predictable political reasons.
Gaza is a prescient point of critical, intersecting personal and global issues (polycrisis) that have subsequently catalyzed a worldwide domino-effect of awakening through radical exposure to repugnant warcrimes, and agonizing shock and grief. It allows us to dissect the disturbing ‘normality’ and ‘acceptance’ we apply to crimes against humanity and the Earth. And now that the genocide ‘officially’ expanded to the West Bank as of 28 August and likewise into Lebanon these last few days with the same playbook, terrifying fervour and the same unconditional support and diplomatic cover from Western nations, assessments are all the more critical.
The only ‘side’ I take is via the ‘Mother Principle’ that is the Mother of all Life. How ‘She’ might experience the Genocide of men, women and children. The ecocidal violation of the Earth. ‘Her’ rage, fury, shock, grief, heartbreak and subsequent addressing to bring awareness and accountability, and to restore harmony. Remembering that …. rage is not the same as hate; rage is anchored in love, empathy and humanity. It’s a deeply human response to violation, desecration, injustice, abuse, destruction.
My rage intensifies because I am not a victim. It burns in my psyche with an intensity that creates clarity. It is a constructive, healing rage … (It is) a way for us to learn to see clearly ~ bell hooks, author, educator, professor
I take the ‘side’ of humanity in radical compassion for both perpetrators and victims and with an unflinching gaze relative to what is taking place and all that is interconnectedly threatened right now and that requires resilience, transformation and spiritual fortitude: the merciless, racist dehumanization and slaughter of innocent civilians, along with the threats to our inalienable human rights and sovereignty, our cultural heritages, existence and nature as human beings through
dehumanization processes and desecration, and the trashing of the Earth and its species. Such threats and losses constitute universes of losses to the whole of humanity, to the entire Global Body … not just a single segment of humanity or the Earth.
These are all inter-related.
I am looking to what connects us as humans and the immeasurable worth of a human being, whether perpetrator or victim, and I hope we can at least agree upon the importance of preserving the life of the most innocent and defenseless amongst us. We can agree to disagree on many, many things, including ‘sides’, but Genocide is not one of them. It is a ‘red line’.
The ignoring or normalization of Genocide and the conditioned, unconditional dehumanization of others anywhere is part of that Spiritual War and is an alarm bell for us across a wide spectrum of issues. And … unless you have been tracking the various worldwide human rights bodies or those on the ground in Gaza and elsewhere through Instagram, TikTok and global media sources, for example, what follows may well be news to you because mainstream media is heavily sanitized and censored. Especially in the United States.
Additionally, we are all subject to the 1%’s most powerful, AI-enabled propaganda campaigns in human history. As well, enormous triggering, numbness, tribalism, apathy, smearing, confusion, overwhelm, divisiveness are taking place around this. What follows may be triggering for you.
However, if we can accept All is One, Gaza as a snapshot ultimately tells us that what is happening ‘over there’ (or in Ukraine, Congo, Sudan, Haiti, our own countries, etc) is neither unique nor happening in a bubble. The allowing of warcrimes and disregard of National and International Laws and Rights, the intended wholesale ethnic cleansing of a people, the ecocide and concurrently, the threat to you regarding the exercise and freedom of your rights, values, political stance, identity, expression, ethnicity, religion, race, career, culture and more … is the status quo, is the system … and these affect you and us all.
The pain and grief and outrage we feel is a sacred finding, a cording, a yoking, a divine attachment of our bodies and souls to the Song of Life ~ Samantha Sweetwater
We are both witnesses and participants living in volatile, uncertain times and in an escalation of events and a life-death struggle changing the world and the global order as we’ve known them.
We are experiencing what does not holistically support life on this planet. It is desecrating and destroying the fabric of Life. It is desecrating the Feminine domain that is the Web of Life, the Earth and its biospheres, ecosystems, its peoples and species.
Rather than making me, my words or any of my missteps problematic and an excuse to shut down, I’m inviting you to courageously walk with me so that in holding each other in our mutual curiosity, humanity, discomfort and possible overwhelm, we might more clearly decide that Genocide is a mutually-held, multi-faceted ‘red line’ and extremely dangerous to let slide by. That Gaza has multidimensional meaning and implication. If so, then we are in connection together on a stable enough, awake and mindful footing of our own humanity, and can together evolve towards creating different outcomes.
After all, if we cannot recognize, look at, acknowledge or say ‘no’ to a live-streamed Genocide taking place on an AI-enabled industrial scale, how do we think we are going to evolve out of escalating planetary collapses?

Background to the Focus Going Forward
Full disclosure: I spent a lot of time focused upon the transcendent, mystical understandings of reality and also absorbed certain New Age teachings that said the accelerating challenges present upon the Earth were ‘part of the old world collapsing, not my reality, karma or Timeline’, and would be addressed / solved / bypassed by healing and the
elevating of consciousness.
That’s just partial application of spirituality, though.
In dangerous ways the New Age approach is one that advocates separation from the Web of Life, and most specifically, the Mother Principle, rather than seeing the entire Web of Life (and one’s own Earthly body as an interpreter and ecosystem in its own right) as being integral to the full spectrum of one’s existence. As with patriarchal dogma, it can
advocate that we are separate from both the collective and the collective shadow, the Earth and our bodies, rather than recognize ourselves as impactful members of the collective and contributor to that shadow.
In alignment with patriarchy, certain of the New Age teachings advocate disowning the world (the Earth-based Feminine
domain), the collective and its ‘drama’ because these are ‘negative’ and will hold one back from Ascension and the Love and Light of a New Earth. These advocate that the material plane and the collective shadow could, and should, be somehow amputated from oneself. The wholesale destruction of animals, waters, lands, human beings and the destruction of International Law and human rights are for others to fix. Best to turn away from them in order to vibrationally qualify to reside in a removed, transcendent New Earth rather than land in one’s immanence.
Some of the beliefs in the spiritual and wellness communities (particularly Western) even seem hostile to material reality because this Earth and its inhabitants are considered lesser in some way or less awakened/evolved, or have not
‘woken up’ or ‘evolved’ fast enough. They advocate disengaging, moving away, or disengaging, from the difficult collective issues which mirror and affect us all and that we co-create. Wanting to do something about what is taking place may even be seen as ‘going backwards’ or part of the problem.
But separation-based boundaries are dissolving and all elements of the world will more and more reach into and touch
us and be experienced as within us.
The Shift and moving into higher vibrations is not about removing oneself from this Earth, or about indulging in magical thinking that a New Earth is going to suddenly pop up out of nowhere. Rather, it’s about dissolving ideological / status quo allegiances, boundaries and beliefs, merging matter and spirit, Feminine and Masculine, Earth and Heaven … with our potential to evolve into greater awareness and embrace of all existence as ourselves, and the resilience and expanded capacity to fully digest and integrate all, say ‘no’ to abuse and desecration, and to subsequently act and create on this Earth in the Web of Life.
We will not spiritually evolve as a species if we neglect the suffering
and pain of the Earth and the collective. And we will also not evolve if
we perpetuate the same oppressive cycles ~ Dr Rocio Rosales Meza, seer, psychologist, medicine woman
In this way, we neither compartmentalize nor resist reality: we allow and receive all deep into our beings, both Light and Dark, that these may be metabolized and help redefine and evolve us, and from that expanded place, both more human and more divine, one acts in this world, as and for oneself and the world. And so, the New Earth gradually manifests
into being.
As the live-streamed Genocide took shape with the facilitation and support of Western governments, the communities
were silent and most remain silent now even as the Genocide expands. It became very clear that certain of the teachings and tenets of the spiritual and wellness communities do not correspond to being here on this Earth for the brokering of the (forecasted) renewal and regeneration of the Earth and humanity into Unified Consciousness. That they in fact
contribute to harm through silence.
The silence catalyzed a huge shock and reset within me as with others about the dehumanization of our brothers and sisters globally and, also, what spirituality is. If we are not embodied in real terms in this world, we remain in separation-consciousness and inadvertently serve the interests of the prevailing status quo for the outcomes we see globally now: multiplying sick societies and violent leadership, dangerous (environmental) threshold points and yes, Genocide. It sends a signal that the most violent and abusive amongst us take as a ‘yes’ and can quite literally capitalize upon.
Silence and normalization allow one’s tolerance for violence to grow. And yet, some part of us knows we are contributing to global violence, and we fragment.
You can only disregard this Earth and its inhabitants when in separation. Fears and separation-based beliefs result in
dehumanizing others, and normalizing what is abnormal and dangerous to disregard, to the point where no one is safe. We must allow ourselves to feel and embody, not disregard and disconnect through permanent residence in the timelessness transcendent.
Silence is the status quo’s greatest weapon, keeping us stuck, complicit and powerless. We inadvertently choose and ‘accept’ the unacceptable, or the so-called ‘lesser of two evils’, forgetting they both come from the same 1% and are funded by it.
However …
Did we really incarnate here to master ignoring the harm being done to the Earth, its inhabitants and species, and classify that as spiritual evolution? Can we build a New Earth upon the mass graves of children?
Who bombs hospitals and inherits the earth? ~ Fady Joudah, poet and physician
Are we so cut-off we really believe we can have freedom, wellness and abundance whilst the communities, environments and systems within which we are interwoven are being destroyed? Whilst the domain of the Mother Principle is being desecrated?
Is spirituality really only about wellness and freedom for ourselves and ours, but excludes humanity to whom we are connected?
Of what value is one’s ability to meditate for an hour if we are able to ignore a decapitated baby, turn a blind eye to the fracking of our lands, accept war criminals as leaders, or allow the poisoning of our community’s lake or food supply?
Show me the religion in your actions; don’t talk to me about religion, charity or love ~ Leo Tolstoy, author
Spirituality is about living from the understanding that all beings are elements of one being, and growing in awareness and resilience, so that we may combine personal healing with planetary healing for collective liberation. Personal healing is only a beginning. At a certain point, we let go of individualism and experience the personal as the collective and vice-versa in order to serve both, as One, upon this Earth.
The journey of awakening invites a shift from the mind, which objectifies,
into our deeper heart, which knows the intimacy of all things ~ Thanissara, Dharma Teacher
Fully embodied beingness here on Earth enables us to validate and to recognize that this Earth and all its species, matter … and that all Life is Sacred and connected. We come to places where we can hold each other in our grief, shock, outrage and dismay so we can be there for one another. We don’t abandon ourselves or one another, we don’t allow the desecration and trashing, and we hold ourselves accountable for the scale of the world’s distress calls and thresholds,
and its solutions.
There is nothing spiritual or evolved about Genocide.
(c) Fatima Bacot All Rights reserved